Anonymous Believe NASA Know About Aliens!?

NASA is about to announce the discovery of intelligent alien life, according to Anonymous.

They believe that a spokesperson for NASA, Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, stated during one of the last meetings of the U.S. Science, Space and Technology committee that aliens do exist.

According to the video he said:

Our civilisation is on the verge of discovering evidence of alien life in the cosmos.

Taking into account all of the different activities and missions that are searching for alien life, we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented discoveries in history.


On their official website Anonymous said:

The evidence sure seems to imply that something is going on in the skies above.

It would cost a lot for spaceships and a continuous flow of taxes and black budget dollars could imply a rational that there is more than meets the eye and or that of public knowledge.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!