

Brightburn: Superhero Horror

This brand new movie from James Gunn is very very intriguing to us. Why? Well it takes one of our most favoured film genre’s and turns it on it’s head and mashes it with another. The Superhero movie meets horror movie. Consider us intrigued! This is Brightburn, arriving in cinemas summer 2019!

Brightburn tells the story of a child from another world, crash landing on Earth. However, instead of the same old story of him becoming a world saviour. What if he became something more sinister and caused havoc anywhere he went. Brightburn is brought to you by the visionary filmmaker of Guardians of The Galaxy and Slither, so you know it’s going to be good! It’s a new take on an already established genre.

Will this new approach to horror and superhero movies pave the way for other movies to take this route? Will we see new franchises brought from this? Who knows! What we do know is that this movie is a crazy take on the genre and definitely turns things on it’s head. It’s this type originality that we love here at How To Kill An Hour and we wonder what will come of it!

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Episode 224 UAV Forecast