
black lives matter

Black Lives Matter – Educate Yourself

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd  a 46-year-old black man, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after a While Police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. Another in a long list of shocking examples that racism is still rife in today’s world. We feel that it is important both for those wanting to help with the black lives matter movement and for those that are wanting to understand the issues black people face. You can listen to our show detailing, the struggles that come with this and being black in the entertainment industry and life in general. Which is something that presenters Marcus Bronzy, Funk Butcher and Dev regularly discuss ‘off air’.

There are a number of ways that you can educate yourself such as checking out or taking a look at this amazing website that has links to loads of different Google Docs which help you understand the Black Lives Matter movement and why Black People are protesting.

Such as: explaining systematic racism, 75 Things You Can Do For Racial Justice, Reverse Racism is a Myth, Anti-Racism for beginners & even more educational resources

Take a look at the plethora of resources available by clicking here! or educate yourself by clicking here!

Listen to the guys chatting about this by clicking here! 

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