
Self Lubricating Condom?!

A Self Lubricating Condom. They’re a thing now. They’ve come a long way since using livestock intestines. Condoms can come ribbed for the lady in your life. They can even glow in the dark. Also, they can come with self-warming abilities. But now they can also self lubricate!

The Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation’s ran a competition to build a better condom. Well boy did they. A research team have created a condom which gets slippery when wet. A specially-designed layer of hydrophilic polymers coats the condom’s surface. Which when activated with moisture becomes slick. (How many of you cringed at the word ‘moist’ there?

Some condoms already have lubricant applied to it but it wears off during sex. This special condom never runs out! (Well it has a 1,000 thrust limit, while the study says typical intercourse is anywhere between 100-500 thrusts) Say that’s a thrust per second, that’s 16minutes plus of straight thrusting before the lubricant where’s off. Jeez! The researchers were awarded a cool $100,000 grant for their research.

The study, published in the Royal Society Open journal, outlines how they created this special rubber. It assessed “frictional performance” against a variety of different lubricated and non lubricared condoms. Using a machine not humans you dirty lot you!

Though they did use touch tests with human participants to determine how they perceived slipperiness. (You would think during sex, not just how slippery the rubber is)

73% of the 33 who participated, said they preferred the new condom design. They also said they’d be more likely to use a condom if it was inherently slippery. While those who never used condoms stated they’d consider using one if this special self lubricating condom existed.


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Don’t Put Ice Lollies In Your Vagina!

It’s been really hot lately! Like really HOT. People have found ‘inventive’ ways to cool down which involve ice lollies. We’re not talking about eating them either.

We understand that it’s hot and some of you may get desperate in your attempts to cool. Some methods however are definitely not suitable for you. Especially if it includes doing things with your genitals.

Ice Lolly Cooling Aids?

What are we suggesting? Yes, ice lollies. Genitals. People have been considering putting sticky ice lollies INTO their vaginas!

The tissue inside of a vagina is very delicate and inserting a really cold (frozen) object into there could cause loads of issues. Such as a burning sensation, itching or pain.

“The vagina is composed of very delicate and sensitive skin.

Hence, things that may seem innocent to other areas of the body, if they come in contact with the vagina, can cause infections, irritations and damage

“There are many things that should never go near a vagina, and ice lollies are up there. The ice can stick to the delicate skin of the vagina and cause real trauma and damage.

What’s more, putting any foodstuff inside your vagina can introduce microbes, disrupting its normal balance and allowing an environment for bacteria to grow and infections to develop.” Dr Sarah Welsh, the co-founder of HANX, a condom brand, tells 

What if the lolly breaks off inside of you? Even MORE pain and uncomfortable for you and your vagina. As reported on the Metro, a lady was playing around with her boyfriend in bed and a lolly did slip up inside of her. It caused the colour from it to stain her skin! (Not permanently though!)

Sugar Sugar!

Dr Welsh also explains that the sugar inside of lollies could also mess with the natural pH of the vagina. Which will lead to an outbreak of thrush or irritation. A sugar free option won’t prevent that either.

“My advice would be to avoid any foreign bodies in the vagina for risk of infection

I would suggest loose cotton underwear and avoiding tight clothing to prevent any irritation and dermatitis developing.

A cool shower (without internal douching) and keeping well hydrated should suffice.” Dr Shree Datta, consultant gynaecologist at MyHealthcare Clinic tells 


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Episode 174 John Wick 2

PornHub Helps!

Pornhub is now helping to make sex safer!

They’ve launched a site called PornHub Sexual Health Center is an online forum to help people with questions about anything from sexuality to sexual health and relationships!

The information on the site is sourced by experts which is directed by a clinical psychologist and sex Therapist Dr Laurie Betito. She explained that:

‘One thing I have realised is that no matter our background or desires, sexual education – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – plays a vital role in our society….It has always been a dream to connect with, educate and inform people all over the world on a massive scale…….Heading the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center is an opportunity to reach a global audience and provide a source for healthy sexual education and dialogue. I’m very excited for the amazing work I have partnered to accomplish.”

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