
Superhero Debt

How Much to be Batman, Superman, Spiderman or Walter White?

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to be a Superhero? Well, there’s some data been collated and apparently it costs a lot! There’s a lot of money being spent and there’s some Superhero Debt! One interesting stat is that James Bond spends 18x his salary on booze, cars and gadgets each year. The infographic looks at the salaries and expenditures of a lot of popular heroes. One of the minimal spenders is Peter Parker. He spends only $1,125 of his superhero lifestyle each year. While Bruce Wayne on the other hand spends $333,886,814 yeeesh! Some of our heroes are in lots of debt however. Ghostbuster Peter Venkma is in $140,000,000 worth of deby because of his proton pack!

Superhero Debt

The guys over at The True Cost of Heroism collated lots of data from each superhero franchise and compared each hero across 6 areas of expertise to figure out their expenditure. Which was:

  • Education Fees
  • Rent
  • Vehicle Cost
  • Specialist Equipment
  • Gadgets
  • Clothing
  • Lifestyle Expenditure.

As stated above Bruce Wayne spends a lot of money on his lavish lifestyle and Peter Parker is sensible and spends well within his means even saving a total of $22,169 each year.

Other’s such as Sherlock Holmes actually outspent his income twice over. Spending twice over $47,725 on his Central London home, specialist equipment and cigars. Walter White’s income cost him 4x his Chemistry Teachers annual salary. Furthermore Buffy Summers spends $69,886 on slaying vampires each year.

All 7 overdrawn fictional characters were able to create a total of $137,485,640 annual debt between them. While suprisingly Batman and not so surprisingly Spider-Man walk away with $8,886,135,355 in profit each year.

Superhero Debit – Fictional characters who overspend the most:

Peter Venkman (Ghostbusters)

$136,146,915 in debt

James Bond

$911,467 in debt

Walter White

$205,264 in debt

The full list of films and TV shows featured include:

  • Spider-Man

  • Batman

  • Breaking Bad

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  • Stranger Things

  • Ghostbusters

  • James Bond

  • Indiana Jones

  • Sherlock Holmes

To view The True Cost of Heroism, and a beautiful infographic and a lot more information please click here!