Tag Archive for: past events


Nostalgia. We all love it. But why? Well, Biography writing service StoryTerrace reveals the health benefits of nostalgia. Furthermore it describes why nostalgia plays a big part in us wanting to document our stories. It’s a unique blend, as it’s a unique combination of thoughts which are wrapped up in emotion. Sure you can be happy and that’s cool, but when you’re nostalgic, it involves the cognitive process of remembering. Which also has emotions attached to it. Which could, have some positive influence on our health!

The stories of our lives are made up of memories and the empotions that come with them. StoryTerrace is encouraging everyone to tap into nostalgia, Rutger Bruining, an authority on nostalgia, shares his views on why we should indulge in nostalgia a lot more:

Nostalgia makes us feel happy.

Studies have discovered that writing down a nostalgic event tends to result in positive emotions. While this can be enhanced by focusing on all the things we’ve gained in the past. Whilst turning a blind eye to the sad things we’ve gone through.

Nostalgia brings us together.

Researchers have referred nostlagia as a psychological resource. Since it can make us feel safe and loved, yet, when you start to remember past relationships and lost loved ones. A feeling of bittersweet can accompany nostalgia.  Therefore when we feel such strong emotions like nostalgia, we often seek comfort in those close to us.

Nostalgia warms our hearts AND our bodies.

In 2012, scientific studies discovered that listening to nostalgic music caused participants ambient temperature to rise. Therefore the nostalgia made them feel warmer. Which as a result made them more tolerant to the cold, when they asked to dip their hand in ice water. The study’s volunteers also felt more nostalgic on cold days. Since it helped their bodies regulate temperature.

Looking at the past gives us hope for the future.

Nostalgia can help us remind ourselves that there’s good in the world. As it helps us look to the future. As the volunteers were introduced to nostalgic words, in response to this they reported that they felt a bright future ahead.

Reminiscing supplies our lives with meaning.

Taking into account the above, according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, nostalgia can help with people deal with the fear of mortality. By making individuals feel as though their lives are meaningful, nostalgia can help to overcome hardships and give our lives purpose.


“Emotionally connecting with your younger self helps you maintain a sense of continuity over time. Without memory, we would have no identity. The experiences you’ve had throughout your life help define who you are at any given moment. Here at StoryTerrace, we understand entirely that a sense of connectivity to our pasts is vital for our mental health and wellbeing—and preserving and reminiscing on our own life stories is so important to our happiness. Documenting memories and the emotions attached to them allow us to share and reminisce on our personal tales – and everyone has a story worth sharing.” CEO and Founder of StoryTerrace, Rutger Bruining


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