Penclic Nice Touch and C2

Nice Touch

Penclic NiceTouch is an easy to use multitouch touchpad and hand rest combination. It’s designed to be the perfect partner to the small and sleek Penclic Mini Keyboard. Penclic NiceTouch provides high end functionality together with an ergonomic working position where the hand rests easily on the soft surface. The NiceTouch touchpad combined with smart Scandinavian design brings you comfort and efficiency while you work. It is modern keyboard technology and simplicity at its best.


This is our mini keyboard, but with a cord! The corded version offers an extra 3 USB ports to which you can connect your stuff.

To buy your own Penclic Nice Touch please click here!

To buy your own Penclic C2 please click here!

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

Episode 230 Penclic Nicetouch and C2 Keyboard

Elons Tunnel Machine Name?

Elon Musk is now, as you may know, is looking at building a load of tunnels under LA to deal with it’s traffic problem. Well Elon Musk despite having to yet overcome things like permits or if his idea will work, or if he even has enough money to actually build the thing took to Twitter to think of some names for his tunnel building machine. This is what he has come up with thus far:


To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!


Elon doesn’t have a clue.

Last week we told you about the tunnels that Elon Musk wanted to build to get rid of traffic in LA. Well Musk actually began testing his hypothesis this past week on Space X properties.

Elon Musk actually Tweeted this in December and Marcus (at the time, when Producer Bill put this toward him as a feature on the show) said that Elon was joking. How wrong was he! 😉


Following through with his crazy promises (Because Money) Musk actually admitted:

“We have no idea what we’re doing—I want to be clear about that,” Musk said at a SpaceX hyperloop design competition this past Sunday.
On Sunday Musk hypothesised his tunnel idea on the concept of “going 3D down”:

You have tall buildings, they’re all 3D, and then everyone wants to go into the building and leave the building at a same time. On a 2D road network, that obviously doesn’t work, so you have to go 3D either up or down. And I think probably down”

Environmentalists aren’t happy though with an urban planning researcher at UCLA telling WIRED,

“Our recent experience with tunnels in the US is that neighbours worry, you run up against various environmental laws, and you just never know what’s underneath the Earth.”

But Musk retorted, “better tunnelling tech improves everything: road, subway, Hyperloop.”

Oh to be a billionaire.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

Spotify QR Codes

Another tech company is stealing Snapchat’s thunder and is utilizing QR codes and their shareability.

Spotify are said to be letting you use QR Codes to share songs with your buddies.

To pull up a “Spotify Code” just toggle the share function by tapping the three dots located at the top right hand screen of a song. Hit SHARE and you’ll see a code which is uniquely disguised as an audio waveform, get your buddy to tap the camera icon to the right of the search bar within Spotify and aim at that waveform.


The song will start playing right away.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

To download Spotify please click here Apple / Android


NYC Tracking Homeless People

NYC are trying to battle the social problem of homelessness and the NYC mayor is planning to deploy a tool to count every homeless person in the city.

In the hands of workers that reach out to the homeless every day “Street Smart” will help to track health, income, demographics and other figures. The city wants to help collate and build this comprehensive data and get the people the help they need.

Time is needed to build trust with the homeless & “Street Smart” collects data and makes it accessible to multiple social workers who may come in contact with the same person, whilst keeping a homeless persons data/privacy on lock.

The obvious massive advantage to this is the easily accessible data such as a homeless persons behavioral patterns and trouble points, at a worker’s fingertips without having to delve into mountains of paperwork. Plus gives workers a heads up when shelters aren’t giving or offering the help to the homeless that they should, not forgetting the benefit of easily being able to check in on a homeless person if they need help or someone to talk to.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!


Lego City Undercover

Join the Chase! In LEGO® CITY Undercover, players become Chase McCain, a police officer who goes undercover to hunt down the notorious – and recently escaped – criminal, Rex Fury, to put an end to his city-wide crime wave. This open-world LEGO adventure allows fans and newcomers to explore the sprawling metropolis that is LEGO® CITY with more than 20 unique districts to investigate, filled with car thieves to bust, vehicles to navigate, mischievous aliens to capture, hilarious movie references to discover, lost pigs to rescue and of course, hundreds of collectibles. With 15 special assignments to conquer, LEGO CITY Undercover brings together witty, original storytelling with signature LEGO humor to create a fun-filled experience for players of all ages.

To buy your own copy of LEGO CITY Undercover please click here!

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

Cute Cat

Robot Spy Cats!

The U.S according to an apparent leaked CIA Memo obtained by Wikileaks apparently used cats to spy on Soviet Russia during the Cold War!

The crazy yet gruesome idea involved US Spies cutting open a real life cat and inserting spy equipment into its body, the tail would be used as an antenna with a wire running down the felines spine and a microphone in its ear all tied together with a batter placed on it’s chest!

Codenamed ‘‘Project Acoustic Kitty’ £10million was apparently invested into it for 5 years in the 60’s as the US government tried to develop its spy technology – Despite all this the project was never actually commissioned.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

Cute Cat

Episode 229 Robo Cat

Crowdfunded Pillow

People have crowdfunded a $300 for a pillow that tells you when you’re asleep and when you’re awake.

From Mode Modern they have created “Sunrise Smart Pillow” and is on Kickstarter at $428K from an initial $50K goal – there’s two weeks left aswell.

Full with embedded colour changing LED lights which come on gently to wake you as easily and as calmly as possible, you can even add a customizable message via the LED’s – gently put you to sleep with the in built bluetooth, speakers, or just play a variety of in built music and noises such as white noise or nature sounds. The pillow monitors how often you toss and turn via the accelerometers and gyroscopes. All this and more fully accessible via the app.

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!