Entries by billywright

NHS uses UBER!

Healthcare startup Cera, is teaming up with Uber to deliver patient care on the NHS’ behalf. Launched in November this matchup will allow carers in the UK to get to the people who need them the most a lot easier. Cera announced recently a partnership with Barts Health NHS Trust. This company runs Mile End […]

Facebook Dislike?

Facebook lovers prayers have been answered with a dislike button – kind of. Available to a small number of people. Facebook have rolled out a dislike, or down thumb, option to individual messages sent via their messenger app, much like those you see on iMessage. Facebook told TechCrunch: “We’re always testing ways to make Messenger […]

Amazon Alexa’s now on iPhone

Amazon have integrated their Alexa voice assistant into their Amazon shopping companion, all you have got to do is update your shopping app or download the Amazon shopping app and click the microphone, in the top right hand corner to begin searching using your voice! Not only that it will also answer a variety of […]

Can you hear me scam!

A scam is said to be on it’s way to the UK after hitting many innocent people in the US, If someone calls you and asks, “Can you hear me?”, hang up the phone as they are trying to record you saying “YES” to try and authorise payment to your credit card. This is what […]

Moon Delivery

Jeff Bezos’ (Amazon Boss) Blue Origin (Amazon’s Spaceflight company) plan to develop a spacecraft called Blue Moon, to launch an Amazon like service to deliver the equipment needed to establish human settlements on the moon by the mid 2020’s, with the craft apparently carrying up to 10,000lbs of cargo. Blue Origin has experience launching its […]

Secret Tinder

Tinder have a secret special members only club, it’s apparently been around for 6 months, Its called Tinder select. To get on to Tinder Select, you either be invited by a core group of members, or be a celebrity or be a person who does really well on Tinder. But while you may be invited, […]

Kobo Aura ONE

Designed with the help of our most passionate customers, Kobo Aura ONE was crafted to deliver the absolute best reading experience, period. At Kobo, we are 100% focused on making the reading experience better for Booklovers around the world. With Kobo Aura ONE, we took it one step further. We invited a group of our […]