Tag Archive for: Instagram


Selfie Editing: The most popular apps for Brits!

Us Brits like to edit our photos. With just 29% of us posting a photo online without editing it. While London is the capital for those who edit their photos, with 81% of Londoners opting to not post a photo without touching it up. While Scotland has a slightly less number with 81% of people editing photos before uploading them. 35% of people touch up their bums in photos before posting them and 33% edit their lips. Furthermore 78% of us prefer using the editing features on Instagram, with Facetune coming in 2nd at 71%. That’s a LOT of selfie editing!


In 2014 Google Analytics found out that we take around 93 million selfies per day. While there isn’t a study to find out how many we take in 2020, it most likely is going to be more.

However, taking the selfie is just the beginning of social media activity. As there is now selfie editing. Case24.com conducted a study that only 29% of Brits would post a picture without editing it.

Case24’s study analysed the editing habits of us before uploading, they asked 3,064 peopel in the UK whether they post an unedited photo of themselves. The results found which areas in the UK where people are more likely to share unedited pictures of themselves online.

Which areas?

There are actually some areas in the UK where people don’t post completely natural photos. The area where this is most likely to happen, (81%) is London. With Scotland (77%) coming in at second, with the North West of the country where only 25% of people would post an unedited photo coming in third.

Yet the North East as a high percentage of people who would feel comfortable posting an unedited photo online (45%). People from the South West don’t edit as much either (41%) and would post an unedited photo.

Which part of the Selfie do we edit the most?

Furthermore, Case24.com found out which body parts Brits edit the most. 54% of those surveyed liked changing imperfections on their skin. Face Shape (47%) is also another area that we like to edit. Saying they edit details like a sharper jawline or higher cheeks.

46% say they don’t like their arms and eyes also (42%) are edited a lot. 35% of people edit their bums and 33% edit their lips. While 24% of people edit their legs.

Which Selfie Apps do we use?

78% of those surveyed like to use the editing features built into Instagram before sharing a pic online. With Facetune coming in, in 2nd place (71%) to edit their selfies. With data from the Guardian showing that the app was downloaded 20M times in 2018! While VSCO, Layout, Photo Editor and Paintshop Pro were also some of the apps used by over 50% of the respondents.

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Top 5 Screen Sharing Apps

Coronavirus has kept us all isolated and at home. Many of us are experiencing a lockdown in our respective countries and we’re all looking for ways to keep in touch with one another. As we all are looking stay social with one another, because life’s better shared, right?! We’re also looking to do the things that we’d normally do with friends but find ways to do it online too. Here’s the Top 5 screen sharing apps!

Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts Meet allows you to connect with your team anywhere with video calls! It’s super simple to use, simply set up a meeting and share a link. You can have a total of 30 people in a call too!
Meet is fully intergrated into G Suite so you can join meeting through a Calendar or Email invite too! All the important details are there if you need them. G Suite’s enterprise edition allows a dial in phone number for each meeting. So everyone can join, even if they are on the move! Simply via 2 taps on a smartphone and an iOS/Android app.
All Google Hangout Meets are encrypted and safe to join, even if you are off site.


Zoom is another really great option to keep in contact with people. It’s super easy to join and collaborate across any device. You can sync it with a calendar system (Google, Outlook, iCal) to schedule in chats easily. You can have HD video and audio for your meetings with support for up to an incredible 1000 p

articipants and have 49 participants on screen at once.

Furthermore you can record your meetings to the cloud or locally. Plus get auto-generated searchable transcripts! Collaborate with other people on the call and share screens simultaneously. Even co-annotate for a more interactive meeting. Share videos and photos, without uploading content with screen sharing.

Your calls are encrypted end to end, they have role-based user security, password protection, waiting rooms and even place an attendee on hold. There’s group chats available, searchable history, share files and there’s even a TEN YEAR archive!

Have a virtual background to look meeting-ready with ‘touch up my appearance’ Start Q and A’s to keep participants enganged, allow virtual hand raising and also track engagement of those involved with an attention indicator.

Furthermore there’s expaned audio options, with VoIP and toll-based dial-in for 55+ countries, global toll free and call out and dial in numbers.

Download: Apple / Google / Desktop

House Party – Lots of Fun 

Houseparty the biggest app right now during lockdown. Available on Android, iOS, iPad OS and macOS, the face to face social network focuses on video chats, quizzes and games to bring people together. Which is perfect when we can’t be together physically.

Houseparty has been around since 2016, but has surged in popularity during being stuck at home for long periods of time.

Houseparty has been called a more informal version of Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams and Zoom. As Houseparty has quizzes and games in it too. So it’s more than just talking in front of a camera.

Download here: Apple / Google

Instagram Co-watch

launched a media sharing feature. This feature will allow you to view instagram posts together over video chat.

Firstly, start a video chat by tapping the video chat icon in the direct messaging inbox. While you can also do this in an existing thread too. Then view saved, liked and suggested photos/videos by tapping the photo icon in the bottom left hand corner of an ongoing video chat.

Download here: Apple / Google

Squad – Watch a number of things and screen share

Squad is a really cool app that allows you to hang out with friends over video chat and watch your favourite content together! Watch a YouTube video, a Tik Tok even a movie! Furthermore you can share your screen to play games or watch or share other content on places like Twitter or Facebook.
Share your screen to share websites to get ideas on what thing to buy, get help with research, get an opinion on some music, even have a little house party! The possibilities are endless!
It’s super super easy and the video quality is incredible too! There’s no lag when watching video content either. It’s perfectly synced up so both are you are watching it at the right time. No need to time it correctly!
Download here: Apple / Google

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Instagram Co-Watch

How To Use Instagram Co-Watch

Coronavirus has kept us all isolated and at home. Many of us are experiencing a lockdown in our respective countries and we’re all looking for ways to keep in touch with one another. As we all are looking stay social with one another, because life’s better shared, right?! We’re also looking to do the things that we’d normally do with friends but find ways to do it online too. Introducing Instagram Co-Watch!

Well Instagram have come through with a brand new feature! They’ve launched a media sharing feature. This feature will allow you to view instagram posts together over video chat.

Firstly, start a video chat by tapping the video chat icon in the direct messaging inbox. While you can also do this in an existing thread too. Then view saved, liked and suggested photos/videos by tapping the photo icon in the bottom left hand corner of an ongoing video chat.

So what are you waiting for? Start up Instagram Co-Watch and connect with your friends and start sharing all of the latest meme’s, photography and videos that you all love. Share it with your friends and find ways to kill time whilst in lockdown!

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Instagram Likes Be Gone!

Instagram Collections

Instagram Collections

We have found out about Instagram’s “secret folders” that Funk Butcher described on the show last week. It’s very easy and not very secret after all!  They’re called “Instagram Collections” and they’re already built into the Instagram app!

Instagram Collections

Instagram Collections

To create a new Instagram Collection:

  • When you look on your profile look at any photo’s you like and press the bookmark button. 
  • Tap the    in the top right hand corner
  • Enter a name of your Instagram Collections for example “Cars”
  • Tap any saved posts that you’d like to add to your collection and tap done!

You can also create collections as you like Instagram photos to add to an Instagram Collection:

  • Tap the  next to the post you’d like to add to an Instagram Collection
  • Tap the 
  • Enter a name of the Instagram Collection and then tap Done.


Instagram Collections

Instagram Collections


Now you can “save” as many photo’s as you like! Don’t go creeping!

To listen to the guys chatting about this please here and we also chatted about it on this weeks show with Max Denham which you can listen to here!

267 – Photography Tips w/Gadgets Jon


Instagram Mental Health

A new report suggests that Instagram is now ranked as having the most detrimental effect on young people’s mental health.

“Instagram ranked as having the worst effect on young people’s mental health”

Young people aged between 14-24 find social media impacts a number of health and wellbeing issues. These include depression, anxiety, loneliness, sleep deprivation and bullying.

Instagram, the photo sharing platform, harms young peoples perceptions of body image and also increases their ‘fear of missing out’ (or FoMo).

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

Facebook Instagram Notifications

Facebook and Facebook Messenger have a special button which allows users to switch between the two apps. The social networking platform is trialling a new feature. This will allow users to switch quickly between not only those to apps but also Instagram.

The feature is basically an extension, in the top right corner of the Messenger app. The trial will display a pop-up menu with all unread notifications across the three platforms.

Facebook, Messenger, Instagram pop-up menu

Facebook, Messenger & Instagram pop-up menu

To hear the guys chatting about this please click here!

Download Facebook Messenger on iPhone and Android!

Download Instagram on iPhone and Android!


Episode 224 UAV Forecast

Instagram now more popular than Snapchat?

Facebook have announced that they have over 200million daily users up from 150million in January.

This number reportedly engulfs Snapchats daily users of 161million people. Highlighting how much of a mammoth Facebook is, that it will copy your feature and then bury you with it. Additionally it highlights incredible growth with a feature that only launched in August of 2016 has hit 150million daily users in Jan 1/3 of Instagrams total 600million daily users.

To download Instagram please click here Apple / Android

To download Snapchat please click here Apple/ Android

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!