iOS AutoComplete Essay!

A New Zealand professor has been asked to present a talk at a US event based on Nuclear physics, yet there is a lot of gibberish throughout!

The academic paper was written by Christoph Bartneck an associate professor at the Human Interface Technology laboratory (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) after an email asked him to submit a paper to the International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics in the United States in November.

Written only in iOS auto complete Christoph said he “resorted to iOS autocomplete function to help” when writing the paper. Writing on his blog he said:

“Since I have practically no knowledge of nuclear physics…I started a sentence with ‘atomic’ or ‘nuclear’ and then randomly hit the autocomplete suggestions”

Here is an extract from Christophs paper:

“The atoms of a better universe will have the right for the same as you are the way we shall have to be a great place for a great time to enjoy the day you are a wonderful person to your great time to take the fun and take a great time and enjoy the great day you will be a wonderful time for your parents and kids,”

Christoph decided to submit the paper under a fake identity, it was accepted three hours later and he was asked to pay a fee of $1099 US dollars to register at the conference. It was at this point that Christoph decided that enough was enough and his fun was over as the University would not have liked to pay for him to go to such an event.

Christoph told Guardian Australia: “My impression is that this is not a particularly good conference…. reasonably certain that this is a money-making conference with little to no commitment to science” due to such a high registration fee and the fact that his paper was accepted in such a quick amount of time…not least forgetting it was full of text that didn’t make any sense!

What’s the funniest autocomplete you have done? Let us know tweet us @howtokillanhour

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