Episode 161 – Netflix Snobbery

US Army Star Wars Hoverbike?!

The US Army have tested a hover bike that could one day be used in combat…..but don’t get your hopes up for a Star Wars esque type land cruiser, this type of hover bike is designed to drop aid, equipment and supplies to troops and the needy in a war zone.

The US Army saw the campaign for this concept on Kickstarter and got in touch with UK based company Malloy Aeronautics and now they’re working together on this project to build a much bigger version of their original concept being dubbed the “Joint Tactical Aerial ReSupply Vehicle” It is planned to fly up to 125miles at 60mph with a load of 800lbs.

In a video on Mashable the hoverbike was nothing more than a small drone. However on Malloy Aeronautics website it has seen to be manned! What comes of this remains to be seen but this looks very exciting! See video below:



To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!


South Korea Super Train

South Korea could soon have some transportation that moves close to the speed of sound! The Korean Railroad Research Insititute are working on their own hyper-loop esque train that could travel at 621mph or 1,000kph and will be ready in the near future.

The train could move travelers between Seoul and Busan a trip that takes about 50mins by plane or over 5hours on public transport in just half hour, the train can go so fast as there isn’t any friction!

Compared to the Hyperloop which travels at speeds up to 800mph (1,300km/h) this train has a bit of work to do to catch up. However it seems the South Korean train could be ready before the Hyperloop, so it remains to be seen which one is better!

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!



VR Models!

An incredibly detailed piece of art was created recently entirely in VR and printed out via a 3D printer and the results are incredible.

Oculus Character artist Giovanni Nakpil posted an image of an amazingly detailed 3d printed model of an ogre that was modelled entirely in Oculus Medium, a VR Sculpting App. The model had exquisite detail and subtle colur graduations that left people stunned and some questioning if it had indeed been made entirely in VR on an app.

Nakpil said to Mashable:

“I did not do any sanding or any post-print work whatsoever,” says Nakpil, when asked if there were any post-3D printing touch-ups or sanding. “The smooth nature of the print comes from the resolution of the Medium model as well as the high-resolution settings from the 3D printer.”

To achieve such incredible detail Giovanni had to use a state of the art 3D printer, the Stratasys J750,  that is described as being one of the best in the world. It produces up to 350,000 colours and the company Stratasys have stated that it is “the world’s first full-color, multi-material 3D printer”



Civil Unrest in the European country of Moldova has US forces engaging the insurgents however there is a new threat who has decided both are their enemy. This new threat resides in an alternative spectrum that makes them invisible to the naked eye and instant death to anyone confronting them. Locals believe they are Spirits of War but others believe they are superior arms technology fabricated by the Moldova government..

(Synopsis Credit: IMDB)

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!

Barnsley Batteries!

We’re getting closer and closer to cleaner and more greener sources of energy and the UK is helping to achieve that goal. 40 homes in Oxspring, near Barnsley are taking part in a trial which will see their homes fitted with batteries to run on using energy solely generated by local rooftop solar panels.

Battery company Moixa are local solar specialist Energise Barnsley are behind the trial and they hope to create a “Virtual Power Plant” Essentially by linking all the homes together to generate electricity it will help to cope with the demand.

They will a method called bottlenecking in the power grid to stop the solar panel systems from feeding energy back into the network when they generate more energy than the homes need. By using a battery to store the power, it saves it up and spreading it wide between the community uses the energy it creates cleanly in a clean manner instead of dumping it back into the network.

 Moxia boss Simon Daniel said:

“By managing clusters of home batteries in a virtual power plant and allowing homeowners to use more of their solar energy, thereby exporting less, we believe we can significantly reduce peak generation output onto the network. This will allow more homes to go solar without imposing new costs on network operators.”

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here! 

Google Maps Parking!

Google Maps already tells you how much traffic and congested your drive will be and it may soon tell you when you actually manage to arrive to your destination if there will be some parking spaces and the best place to park!

According to Android Police a new feature detailing just that was found in the 9.44 beta of Google Maps latest update. Spaces are listed as “easy,” “medium” and “limited”

Google owned app Waze introduced a similar feature of its own last year and while Waze can actually help you find a spot, Google’s own app only gives a general overview of the parking situation and it’s not yet clear as to how Google is getting this information.

How this is going to work? Is it limited to public places? Can it tell you if the road you live in is good for parking? No one knows for sure just yet. We’ll have to wait until the official release to find out but this is certainly interesting!

To download Google Maps please click here Apple / Android

To listen to the guys chatting about this please click here!


Japan Sex Doll Drinks!


ALWAYS find a way to park! This new app we’ve been playing around with helps out a lot in fiding the best place to park and that’s not just paid spaces!


(Information credit: iTunes)

AVAILABLE IN – London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Coventry, Norwich, Reading and Cambridge

List of features:
– Cheapest & Nearest Petrol and Parking
– Discover potential nearby free parking zones.
– Real Time Availability in Westminster.
– Inbuilt Bank Holidays times for each zone.
– Event Day Zone alert near stadiums.
– Motorcycle Bays Locations.
– Disabled Bays Locations.
– Petrol Station Locations and prices.
– Electric Charging Station Locations.
– Paid Car Park Locations.
– Congestion Charge Zone alert and payment.
– In app alarm and car locator.
– TRACE hotline. So if your car does get towed then one call will sort it all.
– In app directions.

For more information please click here!


To download this please click here Apple / Android

To listen to the guys talking about this please click here!

Episode 160 – Parkopedia